To get there from Antigua or the city:The fast way is the coastal route. Head down the highway towards Escuintla. Turn on the coast Hiway towards Mazatenango. Go to Cocales and turn right and head up the hill towards the lake. Go through Patulul and keep going up the hill until you reach San Lucas Toliman, where you turn off the main road and go through the town of San Lucas. At the other end of town just keep going. Drive through Santiago to the road that goes to San Pedro. The Festival is being held at the Temple of Illumination, which is in canton Xechivoy, right next to the Cementary. It's next door to the Posada de Santiago. |
BOAT SCHEDULEThe Festival Boats will be running continuously beginning at 9:30AM and will go until 9PM. THIS YEAR WE AREN'T PROMISING A MIDNIGHT BOAT!!! We don't have our own dock, but there is a great public dock right down the hill at the Xechivoy park. Also, if there is too much wind, the boats won't travel at night. Better to come and camp out. You can arrange for a private boat or do a collective (14 people) and it will take you anywhere at any time: write to info@festivalatitlan.com There are also lots of private lanchas available. Since it is close to town there will be lots of tuktuks available to and from the Festival (Remember, this year it is in Xechivoy, right after you leave town towards San Pedro. |
The public boats will land you at the Muelle Publico. Take a Tuk Tuk from there.There is also a dock at the parque Xechivoy, where you can walk up the hill or get a TukTuk. Follow the signs and the people. |